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  • Neler Yapıyoruz? | TETRA

    Exclusive Services This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. KURUMSAL KİMLİK Logo Tasarımı Marka Kimliği Indoor Tasarımlar Outdoor Tasarımlar KAMPANYA YÖNETİMİ Lansman | Açılış | Kutlama Ürün/Kişi Tanıtımı Dönemsel Pazarlama PRODÜKSİYON Video / Fotoğraf / Drone Çekimi 3D Modelleme 2D/3D Animasyon Seslendirme Jingle Service Name This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. Get in Touch This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content.

  • Bereketim Süpermarket ⋈ TETRA | Kurumsal Kimlik Projesi

    BEREKETİM SUPERMARKET Corporate Identity Designs

  • Gökçe ⋈ TETRA | Marka Kimliği Projesi

    Home N2 Mobil N2 Mobil Tracking Systems Inc., which was established in 2014 as the distributor of the Karel brand, one of the leading companies in communication in our country, in the field of mobile tracking systems, aims to be the leader in the market by producing solutions that make a difference in the sector with 100% domestic production and software. Services offered to its users; Vehicle Tracking Systems, Earthmoving Tracking System, Station Tracking System, Service Tracking System, Parent Information System, Motor Vehicles Driving Courses Information Systems offers tracking solutions and acts with a mission focused on improving its service network. Legacy Logotype The main problem of the logo representing the brand; Figures do not have identical values with typography. The graphical approach, which symbolizes mobile communication, not only limited the service diversity of the brand, but also removed it from the elements of balance. While the symbol to be used as an emblem exhibits a common figure approach to stylize the letter N and the number 2, it also creates a frequency wave expression. While the emblem serves as an icon when used alone, the dynamic structure has been tried to be emphasized with a gradient. In typography, the font with clear reading and space balance is preferred. With its gray tone, it added a seriousness to the innovative stance of the emblem. It is planned to change the name of the word MOBILE according to the service name in the sub-service branches by bringing the N2 expression to the forefront for brand awareness. Example; N2 HTS, N2 DTS... In typography, the font with clear reading and space balance is preferred. With its gray tone, it added a seriousness to the innovative stance of the emblem. It is planned to change the name of the word MOBILE according to the service name in the sub-service branches by bringing the N2 expression to the forefront for brand awareness. Example; N2 HTS, N2 DTS... In typography, the font with clear reading and space balance is preferred. With its gray tone, it added a seriousness to the innovative stance of the emblem. It is planned to change the name of the word MOBILE according to the service name in the sub-service branches by bringing the N2 expression to the forefront for brand awareness. Example; N2 HTS, N2 DTS... 1 4 2 1 1/4 Our Other Projects To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. All ideas, methods and applications that we have designed and shown on this page are protected by copyright under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. © 2020 TETRA

  • DOGAS ⋈ TETRA | Marka Kimliği ve Dijital Pazarlama Projesi

    Home It is a brand suitable for the new normal, which will provide takeaway-oriented service in street delicacies and fast food products, will shift its marketing focus to digital media channels, and aim to gain brand positioning quickly with its unique flavors apart from well-known fast-moving consumer goods. nature We propose this name in response to the brand request that emerged with the expectation of the business that will respond to the brand and marketing model suitable for the new normal. This name, which does not have an exact equivalent in any language, is a brand name that is suitable for the phonetic language, is catchy and will be catchy with its clarity. In order to give the perception of naturalness and sincerity, we have prepared only a typographic logo design in the soft-edged handwriting model. We wanted it to represent speed and practicality with its sloping stance and the line underneath. We believe that it is a logotype that will not cause difficulties in application with its minimalisticity in usage areas and will support a young and dynamic stance in designs. We provided an energetic expression with the "Good Food is Good Mood" spot, which states that a relaxed, cheerful and happy mood is possible with a quality, delicious and enjoyable meal. We integrated the perception that Dogas brand is a fun, dynamic and young brand that reflects street tastes by adding mascot drawings. We used these mascots as complementary elements in many areas, especially in social media posts. 1/7 9 7 3 9 1/9 Our Other Projects To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. All ideas, methods and applications that we have designed and shown on this page are protected by copyright under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. © 2020 TETRA

  • İma Grup ⋈ TETRA | Kurumsal Kimlik Projesi

    IMA GROUP Corporate Identity Designs

  • İzmit Belediyesi ⋈ TETRA | Kurumsal Kimlik Projesi

    IZMIT MUNICIPALITY Corporate Identity Designs

  • Boehlerit ⋈ TETRA | Marka Yönetimi ve Dijital Pazarlama Projesi

    Home In 2019, we started to work with EDF Ozon, which aims to produce personal ozone generators so that ozone gas, which is used in many treatments, just before the pandemic period, meets the final consumer. EDF Ozone Generators, which were designed entirely by Turkish engineers and produced with state-of-the-art equipment in their factory at international standards, were to start with home-type ozone generators and then offer alternative solutions for many areas. The first step was to write scenarios for advertorial commercials to explain what the ozone generator is, what it does, its benefits and usage areas. We completed the shooting and editing of 6 different commercials after details such as venue, figuration, advertising text, voiceover, animation suitable for these scenarios. In 2019, we started to work with EDF Ozon, which aims to produce personal ozone generators so that ozone gas, which is used in many treatments, just before the pandemic period, meets the final consumer. We turned existing products into 3d designs to be used in many areas. In this way, we were able to use it by rendering at any angle we want, especially in social media, product promotion leaflets, promotional catalog, animation and videos. We turned existing products into 3d designs to be used in many areas. In this way, we were able to use it by rendering at any angle we want, especially in social media, product promotion leaflets, promotional catalog, animation and videos. We turned existing products into 3d designs to be used in many areas. In this way, we were able to use it by rendering at any angle we want, especially in social media, product promotion leaflets, promotional catalog, animation and videos. We turned existing products into 3d designs to be used in many areas. In this way, we were able to use it by rendering at any angle we want, especially in social media, product promotion leaflets, promotional catalog, animation and videos. 1/12 Our Other Projects To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. All ideas, methods and applications that we have designed and shown on this page are protected by copyright under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. 2022 © TETRA

  • CRALA ⋈ TETRA | Marka Kimliği ve Dijital Pazarlama Projesi

    Home CRLA CRLA, which set out with the aim of becoming a dynamic, young and high-energy brand created by Trakya Motors company, which buys and sells second-hand and new vehicles, for daily car rental service, was chosen among many brand names. A typographic logotype has been created with a modern and animated typeface to ensure memorability and easy perception. Added a dot in negative space between the letters “C” and “R” to support readability as “rent”. 5 4 3 5 1/6 Our Other Projects To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. All ideas, methods and applications that we have designed and shown on this page are protected by copyright under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. 2022 © TETRA

  • GUMSAŞ ⋈ TETRA | Marka Kimliği ve Ambalaj Tasarımı Projesi

    Home Gumsaş Bakery The brand, which has been serving bread and bakery products since 1982, wanted to renew its brand face with a new image by adding patisserie products to its unique flavors with its third branch opened. to be or not to be... Story First of all, we presented our logotype design, which will be the new face of the brand. Then we prepared the packaging designs that will create the corporate image. Our goal was to create a perception of innovative stance by making the image of "fresh and natural" feel. We also worked for the sub-brand and it turned out to be something we liked very much. Rahmioglu Baklavas The sub-brand name that the brand will use in sorbet desserts will be Rahmioğlu. We aimed to create a brand expression that reflects this stance on its sectoral experience and presents baklava and varieties of quality that will be the reason for preference. A design that can be easily perceived and applied, reflecting the experience of the past, while at the same time showing an attitude that supports the perception of innovative luxury and quality... Our Other Projects To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. All ideas, methods and applications that we have designed and shown on this page are protected by copyright under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. 2022 © TETRA

  • Match Group ⋈ TETRA | Kurumsal Kimlik Projesi

    MATCH GROUP Corporate Identity Designs

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